CLT carries out also hazardous and non-hazardous waste transport and shipments.
Management of this type of goods is governed by strict regulations because of the impact they could have on the safety of persons and environment.
CLT has been able to gather legislation and good practice, offering a full transport service for waste, in order to be recycled or disposed of.
CLT plays an important role in cross-border transport of waste for which reference is made to EC Regulation no. 1013/2006, issued by the European Parliament and of the Council in June 2006. This regulation establishes rules on documentary procedures and control of waste shipments
⦁ within the European Union,
⦁ with the EFTA countries ( European Free Trade Association ),
⦁ OECD ( Organization for Cooperation and Economic Development) and
⦁ with countries that have signed the Basel Convention.
Procedures to be implemented may depend on the origin, destination, route, the type of waste shipped and the expected type of treatment (recovery or disposal).
More in detail, Regulation no.1013/2006 determines which types of waste require prior notification and consent from the competent authorities concerned (also known as notification controls) and which transports can occur under art. 3 controls (also known as green list controls with information requirement). This last case is a lower form of control than notification and mainly applies to shipment of non-hazardous waste.
CLT delivers with competence and reliability :
• Wastes subject to prior notification and authorization – present in the “Amber List ” (Annex IV), or present in the “Green List ” (Annex III).
The notification procedure requires that the competent authorities of any country involved in the journey (country of dispatch, if any of transit and destination) to issue a prior written consent according to a specific form.
• Wastes subject to a general information obligation – for recovery, featured in “Green List”.
It is enough that these wastes be followed by the form contained in Annex VII. This form must comply with a written contract between the person who arranges the shipment (exporter) and the importer/consignee.
In addition to these requirements, CLT is registered as a transporter of waste in European countries that require it, in full respect of these regulations, to preserve the health, safety and the environment.
Trained staff will provide support in finding customized solutions – from taking charge of the waste to its delivery to recovery or disposal facilities, together with a rapid handling of documentary obligations (SISTRI forms, paper forms).
Several factors contribute to making every stage of the waste transport safer:
o Constant updating of our staff on new regulations and procedures
o A fleet of vehicles properly authorized by the Italian Register of Environmental Operators to carry out this activity in Italy and abroad
o Continuing staff and drivers training on the specific procedures for this type of transport
o Use of SISTRI, the new electronic waste tracking system to manage hazardous and ADR regulated wastes.