CLT (Cooperativa Lavoratori Trasporto Ravenna) was established in 1983 in Ravenna by pooling the work-force and activities of companies already operating in the transport of carbon black.
At the time of its founding, CLT could count on a fleet of around twenty vehicles, which that has been continuously updated and increased Nowadays, the company possesses significant operational capabilities which are constantly developed.
CLT’s Management System has obtained the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality Certificate since 1994 and in 2012 was awarded with the OHSAS 18001:2007 Safety Certificate.
CLT Transport is highly specialized in the transport of bulk and packaged carbon black, positioning itself as a leader in Europe.
In addition, by taking advantage of the gained knowledge CLT has expanded its horizons, providing distinguished transport services: from machinery to chemicals, from groupage to full load, from packaged to bulk cargo, ADR regulated cargo and waste transportation for entire Europe.
Over the years, we have acquired professionalism, technical and logistical expertise for handling activated carbon and exhausted activated carbon, enabling us to provide all-around services.
A fleet, made up of more than 500 units, is monitored and updated in order to keep a low environmental impact, to reduce pollution and to contribute to a lower fuel consumption while increasing road safety.
Since 2007, the Romanian company Soc. Carbon Logistic S.r.l cooperating with CLT Transport, has been contributing to the completion of the service.
Behind the CLT’s history are people who have worked with passion, experience and creativity, values which are treasured and maintained until today. Every employee, traffic operator, mechanic or driver is valued and trained according to specific training plans. Moreover, CLT’s policy has integrated the good habit in carving out moments of sharing and disclosure. This good practice is aimed at the growth of the company in terms of the culture of Quality and Safety at Work.
This historic initiative and collaboration have made it possible for CLT to become what it is today – a leader in the transportation and management of carbon black.