C.L.T. specialized in transporting and handling Activated Carbon in powder and granular forms, offers customized services, carried out by different types of semi-trailers (also pressure silos for the transport of unpacked product). Our staff can carry out exhausted carbon extraction and filter replenishment, even for adsorbers.

Activated carbon is an industrial product composed essentially of carbon, with an increased inner surface area and a high degree of porosity. These features give the product high absorbent capacity which makes it essential for water and air purification processes. There is a wide range of activated carbons, based on the activation process used (physical or chemical) and the raw materials used (coconut shells, peat, wood and coal).

Activated carbons are used in the production processes of many industries, such as, among others, food, pharmaceutical, chemical, safety and the environment sectors (for example, to purify the air by absorbing dangerous substances or filtering waste water).

The specially-trained CLT staff can deliver a comprehensive service, from transportation to the secure and reliable emptying and filling of tanks or filters. Safety equipment approved for confined areas and ATEX certified tools.

Granular – water purification
Shipping and handling

Packed and Unpacked product shipped by silos equipped with loading and unloading hydro-pneumatic system.
For wastes in Amber list, CLT counts on stainless steel 316 silos, suitable for dangerous wastes.

water purification
Granular air purification
Shipping and handling
air purification
Shipping and handling